
2019 is winding down. Can you believe the decade will be over in three short days? As we head into 2020, I suggest that you start the year off with a fantastic marketing campaign. To make such a campaign, you should know the trends going on in the marketing industry. Below I’ve covered some of the top 2020 marketing trends in detail to help you make those sales this year!

As we’ve been preaching all year, visual content is going to continue to dominate marketing. Images and Videos get more interactions than text posts on every platform. Two other trends that are dominating the upcoming year are customer experience and personalization. To take advantage of these trends, continue reading below!

Visual Content

As I said above, images and videos get a much higher interaction rate than text posts. To put a number to that: Posts with images produce 180% more engagement. Some other fun facts about visual content:

  • People are 85% more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it.
  • Using colored visuals can increase a person’s desire to read content by 80%.
  • 93% of all communication is visual.
  • Our brain processes visuals way faster than text. To be exact, 60,000 times faster.

Customer Experience

As business owners, I know we all strive to give every customer the optimal amount of care and consideration. Consumers have increasing power levels when it comes to online presence, their reviews can make or break a company. Some ways to harness this amazing opportunity would be to encourage positive reviews from customers that have had a great time with the company, or to encourage reviews in exchange for discounts or reward points or the like.

From a business stand point, consider ensuring the purchasing process that your customer goes through is convenient, friendly, easy, and efficient. Try personalizing your emails (Mailchimp has a nifty “personalize field” tool to help you do just that!). Other things we’ve touched on in the past are ensuring you have a mobile friendly website, a strong brand image, a well designed website and marketing tools, and ensuring your tech is all up to date.

To expand on personalization, 80% of consumers said they’d prefer to do business with a company that has a personalized experience.

Other customer based things you’ll want to focus on is retaining loyal customers that advocate for your brand. Studies show that it costs nearly FIVE times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep an old one. Providing recurring services such as maintenance and retainer packages are just a couple of ways to keep your customers coming back for more.

Email lists are a great way to inform returning customers of deals, items, and specials! Try getting your customers to sign up for email list in exchange for discounts, birthday gifts, or another freebie.

Reviews are a great way for your customers to advocate that your business is the best.

Position Zero and Featured Snippets

SEO is such an important part of marketing these days, and 2020 will be no different. However, there were amazing new upgrades to search engines this past year. Google introduced snippets at the top of the search results that shows a relevant portion of a page that answers the question that was searched. This has been dubbed “Position Zero” by marketers. This coveted postion is usually the only information a searcher will see. 60% of results on Google now feature position zero snippets.

Getting this highly sought after position though is harder than getting position one, as the SEO techniques are different. You’ll want to focus on answering questions completely and thoroughly while being as concise as possible. This means you should be focusing on quality content this year more than ever.



So with these new 2020 marketing trends, are you ready to start your marketing campaign in 2020? Check out our previous post with a marketing checklist or reach out to us for more help! Like, comment, and share this post!

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