10 Must Have WordPress plugins

So you’ve got a WordPress site, you’ve got the theme, the normal plugins and the content square away. Now you’re searching for what you’re missing. Well, look no further. Here are 10 must have WordPress plugins for 2020.

1. Quttera

Quterra is a security plugin that checks your files for malware and potential threats. It’s a great plugin for ensuring that your site is working fine and dandy.

2. Search & Replace

WordPress uses a database to keep track of most things on your website. So say you’re switching domains, or company names, or the name of a package. You need an easy way to find all (or majority) of the mentions of that phrase/domain. Search & Replace is a wonderful tool to do just that. It will provide a file for your updated database. Then you go to the “import” tab and update the database in real time!

3. WooCommerce

While there are several store plugins for WordPress, the biggest and best is definitely WooCommerce. There are also many plugins to help customize the WooCommerce platform as well. Just all around an excellent plugin.


4. Contact 7 & Honey Pot

This is a set of plugins that I believe all WordPress sites should have. Contact 7 is a great contact form plugin to allow visitors to send you an email without having to go to their email platform to do so. Honey Pot is a great addon that prevents bots from spamming your email!

5. Monster Insights

Monster Insights is a great plugin that allows you to connect with Google Analytics to track stats about who is visiting your site. This is great so that you can target your marketing more efficiently.

6. Google XML Sitemaps

Sitemaps are essential to ranking on search engines like Google. This plugin makes it easy. Definitely a must have plugin for your WordPress site.

7. Yoast SEO

SEO is search engine optimization. It’s a nuanced and deep aspect of online presence and marketing. This plugin helps you with the SEO for certain pages on your site by making it easy to add titles, descriptions, keywords, and the like. Yoast SEO should be a must have plugin on your WordPress site.

8. WP-Optimize

This helps with the speed of your WordPress site. It optimizes your images, cache, and the like to reduce the load time for your site.

9. W3 Total Cache

Another great tool for caching your site and speeding it up.

10. Broken Link Checker

Broken links are not good at all. Whether a visitor clicks on one and leaves, or search engines knock you for it, it’s really bad for online presence. This must have plugin lets you know when a link is broken or pointing to a 404 error page. It allows you to easily fix it as well.


SEO is a wonderful and huge part of online presence and is vital to online marketing. At Blue Shift Web Services, we make sure that all aspects of your online marketing work together to ensure optimal conversions. If you’d like to know more about working with us, reach out at blueshiftwebservices.com



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  1. This list is awesome! I’ve heard of 7 of these before but #1, #2, and #10 are new to me. I’m definitely going to check them out. Thank you for sharing!

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